HBO on Demand
Streaming Video on Demand Video on demand service for subscribers of StarHub TV’s add-on package, The HBO Pak.
Set-Top Box StarHub’s Hubstation, Hubstation HD and HD Interactive set-top-boxes.
What's Available?
HBO On Demand offers award-winning HBO Originals as well as movies, series and other special programming from leading Hollywood and independent studios.
When is Content Available
Almost immediately after first release on pay TV. New programmes are offered every Monday and most are available for 1 month.
What's Most Popular?
Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Red Riding Hood, Thor, Kung Fu Panda 2, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the Game of Thrones.
Unlimited Views Free Service with The HBO Pak subscription on StarHub TV.
Additional or Interactive Features
Playback Multiple Languages Subtitles in Simplified Chinese. Dual language option is available in Mandarin in Singapore.
Available to
Subscribers StarHub TV HBO Pak subscribers.
Certain programmes are available in high definition (HD).
Available at

Established in 1991, CASBAA is the Association for digital multichannel TV, content, platforms, advertising and video delivery across geographic markets throughout the Asia-Pacific. CASBAA and its members reach over 445 million connections within a regional footprint ranging from China to Australasia, Japan to Pakistan. The CASBAA mission is to promote the growth of multichannel TV and video content via industry information, networking exchanges and events while promoting global best practices. To view the full list of CASBAA members please visit here

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