Increasing Advertising profits for Subscription TV in Australia

Press Release by Tsuki

Petra Buchanan, Chief Executive Officer, ASTRA announced today that advertising revenues for subscription television grew by 11.1% in the second half of 2010. The Ernst & Young report compiled for ASTRA found net ad revenues of $205,844,792 million from 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2010, and a total of $379,889,441 million for subscription TV in 2010.[1]

“A third of Australian homes have subscription TV, which regularly accounts for up to 60 percent of viewing in these homes.[2] This diverse audience represents 7.2 million people, watching over 200 channels of genre-specific, quality programming, so it is not surprising that advertisers are seeing the opportunity,” said Ms. Buchanan.

The Australian advertising market grew at a rate of 13.7% in 2010, according to auditing firm PwC, with subscription television outperforming with a 14.2% increase in 2010.

Subscription TV continues to be one of the fastest growing media in Australia, with advertising revenue up more than 37 percent since 2007.