Media “chaos” pending?

Chicago—The “2012 State of Media” report, which was produced by media agency Kelly Scott Madison, argues that media is undergoing such a rapid transformation it borders on “chaos.” To underline the pace of change, the report cites the rapid adoption of tablets, which reached 40 million units shipped in two years, while it took smartphones seven years to reach that mark.

The report also noted an increasing amount of “market clutter,” citing the fact that fewer than 4% of YouTube videos have reached more than 100,000 views. The report also warned about a pending wireless spectrum shortage that could derail the growth in mobile.

“The amount of data now available to both advertisers and consumers is astounding,” said KSM President Joni Williams in a statement. “Even our traditional classifications of media segments will evolve as they continue to converge. To some, this may all sound overwhelming, but it shouldn't. Technological advancements are allowing us to do more for our clients than ever before, and that's the sort of chaos we should be excited to embrace."