Digital devices drive multiscreen advertising

Studies by Ipsos MediaCT and HearWatchSay shows that multitasking is a popular activity while consumers are watching live TV, with 63 per cent of respondents reporting that they used a connected device for at least a few minutes the last time they watched live TV. Fifteen per cent used more than one device.

The survey showed comparable usage figures for DVR watching respondents (66 per cent), though these consumers were much more likely to be using more than one connected device (23 per cent) in comparison to live TV viewers.

The study also takes a deep dive into the drivers behind the growth in multitasking, revealing that both device proliferation and programme content spur media-savvy consumers to search, discuss, share and discover digitally. Across all online activities – such as discussions with friends, social networking, or viewing blogs – smartphones were the multitasking device of choice when interacting about a TV show – Smartphone (45 per cent), Tablet (30 per cent) ,Computer (21 per cent)

Overall, more multiscreen viewers who are watching television perform activities on their devices that are not related to TV content. The unrelated activities center around communication (email, social networking, texting) and general surfing, while a substantial number also shop and do online banking and about one-third play social/casual games across all three devices. This is particularly noticeable among multitasking viewers who simultaneously use computers (93 per cent), followed by tablet multitaskers (88 per cent) and smartphone multitaskers (83 per cent).

However, a substantial number of multiscreen viewers are focused on TV content related activities: 41 percent of computer multitaskers, 46 percent of tablet multitaskers and 60 percent of smartphone multitaskers.

Findings also reveal that multiscreen viewers are more likely to use their smartphone than tablet or laptop to discuss TV commercials on social networks, blogs, and forums or over text/email/IM: – Smartphones (37 per cent), Computers (18 per cent), Tablets (16 per cent).

“Understanding how and why consumers view multiscreens opens the door to the future of advertising and content creation,” said Sherrill Mane, Senior Vice President, Research, Analytics & Measurement, IAB. “As devices proliferate and the lines between content and advertising blur, more opportunities to reach consumers in relevant and compelling ways will emerge.”