HD-ready penetration will double from 25.9% at end-2011 to 50.9% in 2016.

HD-ready penetration will double from 25.9% at end-2011 to 50.9% in 2016. However, HD-ready penetration will be higher than 80% in 18 countries by 2016. 

Simon Murray (author of the HDTV, 3DTV and DVR Forecasts report) said: “Most sets on sale in developed markets are now HD compatible, with a growing proportion also providing 3D functionality. Retail prices are falling as production reaches economies of scale, as competition increases and as consumer acceptance grows.” 

More than 300 million HDTV-ready households existed at end-2011 for the 40 countries covered in the report. The US supplied 79 million of the total, followed by China (35 million) and Japan (24 million). 
The HD-ready household total will more than double to 652 million by 2016. China will become the market leader, by providing 151 million homes – up by 116 million on 2011.

