Making Pay TV... Pay

July 4, 2012 - As enterprises and advertisers across Asia seek to market and sell different types of products and solutions - some products being new and requiring education, while others may be in a more mature phase of the product life cycle - communication about each product needs to be adapted based on its level of maturity.

In the same way, as markets across Asia continue to develop at varying speeds - with some at an advanced stage of development and others in a more emerging phase of consumer evolution - brands need to tailor their advertising efforts to the different needs of local audiences and markets.

What this means for enterprises is they need to use varying types of advertising models for different markets and products. Specifically, an enterprise that sells LED televisions may utilise a pan-regional approach that reaches broad audiences with a consistent message, while a fast-moving consumer goods company that sells toothpaste might be better served using a "multi-local" approach with tailored messages based on local language, consumer taste and cultural requirements.

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