Multiscreen from Cloud

Researchers have pioneered the ultimate couch potato killer - a technology that allows one to "pull" programmes off a TV screen onto a mobile device and continue watching them seamlessly.

"Social Cloud TV" is a cloud-based system that enables users to share video on multiple devices simultaneously.

Users can also connect socially through instant messaging or video chats with multiple users while the video is playing. This novel technology was invented by a team of researchers from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) headed by Wen Yonggang, assistant professor at the School of Computer Engineering.

"With the increase in online video and personal multimedia devices, we have lost out on the experience of watching TV shows together as a family and as a social activity with friends," Prof Wen said. "So I hope that with my invention, people can now reconnect with each other socially using videos."

While social TV is a popular concept that has been bandied about tech circles over the past few years, Prof Wen says that this is the first time a "scalable and usable" prototype has been produced that is fit for commercial use.

Past prototypes had problems with scalability, in that the video streaming could not support multiple devices. Many also could not be commercialised as the technology was not advanced enough to be transposed onto a large number of devices.


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