Primetime TV Hours Best for Digital Video Ad Completion


Compared to TV advertisers, digital video advertisers have a much smaller window of opportunity for captivating viewers.


For one, consumers still average a far greater number of minutes watching TV than digital video. March 2012 data from Nielsen found US media users averaged 4 hours and 47 minutes watching TV that month vs. roughly 10 minutes of online and mobile video, respectively.

Within this shortened timeframe, advertising opportunities account for a sliver of all time spent watching digital video&mash;just 1.5% of total time spent watching online video, according to comScore.

Fortunately for digital video marketers, a VideHub study offered insight into the times of day and days of week advertisers could find the most success reaching and resonating with video viewers.

According to the digital video ad network’s findings, the hours of 11am to 6pm each saw a slightly greater share of US digital video streams across the VideoHub network. This was unsurprising considering that during these typical work hours, mobile and desktop devices are the primary viewing screens for most consumers.

Though advertisers may have a greater chance of reaching digital video viewers during work hours, users were less likely to view video ads to completion during this timeframe, nor were they apt to do so during the early morning hours. VideoHub saw the greatest indices for video ad completions online and on mobile devices from 9pm to 1am, pointing to greater video ad viewing during the late evening hours, when viewers may likely be streaming longer-form content such as primetime TV shows.

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