TAM has to find its own niche

TAM still publishes television viewership numbers even as it gears up to launch two new software products for media planning

(Posted by Shuchi Bansal at Livemint on 9th July, 2015)

TAM Media Research Pvt. Ltd is stuck between a rock and a hard place in India. The television audience measurement service, operating in India for the last 15 years, has been abandoned by the broadcasting and advertising industries, but is yet to shut down its operations. It continues to offer radio audience measurement, measurement of returns on sports sponsorship and other advertising-related products even as its main source of income from television audience measurement has taken a hit.

Eager to improve its relationship with advertisers and broadcasters, it still publishes television viewership numbers even as it gears up to launch two new software products for media planning. A new Web audience measurement service for digital media is also on the cards.

Although officially discarded in favour of the new currency promoted by the Broadcast Audience Research Council India (BARC), TAM doesn’t seem to have lost all on the broadcasting front. Privately, its viewership data is being used by the television industry. (BARCis promoted by the joint industry body comprising broadcasters, advertising agencies and advertisers.) http://www.asi.eu.com/2015/07/09/tam-has-to-find-its-own-niche/