Discovery - Malaysia Tourism

Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific partnership with Tourism Malaysia


Tourism Malaysia has partnered with Discovery Networks Asia- Pacific since 2007 to bring Malaysia to the world.  

Beginning with on-air advertising, Tourism Malaysia has consistently built on its brand through this partnership, progressing to the current sponsorship of the series, Passage to Malaysia. Hosted by well-known regional personalities, Denise Keller and Jamie Aditya, the series explores the rich history, culture and heritage of Malaysia and showcases the myriad of landscapes that make up the country and the diversity of flora and fauna that thrive within.

The bespoke vignettes were created, including one which featured Denise Keller giving her heart-felt thoughts on her experiences in Malaysia. Concise and visually rich, these specially created vignettes for Tourism Malaysia provided an additional platform to make a connection with the audience. Targeted digital banner placements on Discovery’s international site and customised Passage to Malaysia DVDs made for distribution have helped to expand on the exposure of Tourism Malaysia both locally and internationally.