10 reasons why we’re watching more TV

(Mar 18, 2013) For those eyeing up teetering piles of unopened DVD boxsets, considering a PVR overspilling with whole series as yet unwatched or negotiating the daily minefield of spoilers about shows it’s impossible to keep up with, news that we are watching more TV will be both unsurprising and vaguely panic-inducing. Unsurprising given the great stacks of stuff demanding to be watched; panic-inducing given the great shortage of time there seems to be to devote to it.

According to a new study from TV Licensing, the average Briton now settles down to watch a little more than four hours of telly a day – an almost half-hour increase on 2006 viewing habits. But why? What’s keeping us glued to the telly?

Read more at The Guardian