

Frequency Allocations for the C-Band

At WRC-07 Fiji did not sign any of the IMT opt-in footnotes in 3 400 – 3 600 MHz band. In spite of this Fiji had allocated BWA in this band with the following consequences:

FijiTV (FTV) provides a direct-to-home TV (DTH TV) service in Fiji and Unwired provides a broadband wireless access (BWA) in the frequency bands 3.45 – 3.50 and 3.525 -3.60 GHz. For some DTH TV installations, the Unwired service caused interference to the FijiTV service to the extent that the signal cannot be received at all.

FijiTV sued the government holding them responsible for interference into its DTH TV service. The case went to mediation with the parties of the mediation being FijiTV, Unwired and the Fiji government. FijiTV, as the incumbent, sought a guarantee of protection from the government but this was not granted. Unwired has moved part of its service to the lower part of the extended C-band and this eliminated the interference. In cases, where the Unwired service was not moved to the lower part of the frequency band, FijiTV had to take measures such as shielding to prevent interference.

Present Situation
It appears that with the above measures the interference into FSS TVRO has been controlled.
National position on 3.4 – 4.2 GHz band under WRC-15 agenda item 1.1:

3 400 – 3 600 MHz

3 600 – 3 800 MHz

3 800 – 4 200 MHz

Interference into FSS C-band Applications
There have been widespread reports of interference into the individual TVRO earth stations used for reception of FijiTV.
Last updated: May 3, 2015

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